
If you need more information before registering please email with any questions and someone from leadership will reach out.

Please fill out this form to apply to the cooperative. A member of leadership will then reach out and talk to you more about expectations and to make sure that we are the right group for your family to join.

We are now accepting registration for the Spring 2024 Semester.

Registration Form

Once this is filled out please join the member area of this website to access more specific information regarding dates, classes, pictures, etc. There will be no social media group at this time.

Meeting times: Most Fridays 10am to 3:30pm

Location: Dogwood Hill Baptist Church, 1040 Mt Zion Rd, Loris, SC 29569

Fees: $100 per semester, per family. Covers insurance and supplies for all classes.


Minimum of 3 leaders for the group. Leaders will vote on final decisions for the group. Administrative tasks to be completed by this group. Someone must be designated as the records holder. Webmaster may be designated separately.

Generate any membership forms required and maintain records for all participants.

Our leadership team is Meagan Buffkin, Jacqueline (Jacqui) Dinda-Shaw, and Bree Morgan. 

Meagan is entering her second year of homeschooling. She is the church/homeschool group liaison. She is also the key holder.

Jacqui is entering her 13th year of homeschooling. She has four children aged 17, 14, 12, and 9. She is the Homeschool Co-op Parent Liaison.

Bree is entering her ninth year of homeschooling. She has four children aged 13, 11, 5, and 3. She is the Co-op Administrator. 


A leader will need to interview each family that wants to join to keep the group balanced. Members will need to agree to follow any rules set forth by leadership.

Any member may be asked to leave the group after a warning. Two-strike system will be used.

Fees are due at registration before classes begin. 

As of the creation of this co-op we have five participating families, totaling fourteen children. The goal for this first semester is ten families.  Future semesters may increase families served; we aim for co-op’s growth to be sustainable which may limit the number of families we can accommodate in the future. 

Registration will be on a Google form on the co-op’s website. All policies will also be listed here. Domain and hosting fees will be paid by members.


Our co-op will be using NCG insurance that will cover all participants and sponsored activities. This will be divided amongst the families and included in the semester fee.

Each family would need to sign a paper form indicating covered members and a waiver for the church. This will occur before the first class of the semester begins.


All costs will be divided amongst the member families. Fee amount will be generated for each semester to only cover costs. No payments to individuals will be made and all teaching is voluntary. 

Teachers may apply for reimbursement from collected fees for supplies. Teachers must submit class fees before registration in order to be reimbursed. 

Grade Separation

Grade separation will be based on grade the student is registered with the state accountability group through the third option homeschool law. Parents may be requested to show the paperwork from the accountability group with grade information included.

High School: 1.5 hour classes, this would be credit towards high school diploma, letter grade must be documented and given to child/parents upon completion.

Middle School: 1 hour classes

Elementary School: 1 hour classes

Pre-school: We (Jacqui and Bree) have found that a separate “nursery” does not work and if the parent is teaching another class their toddler should be assigned to another trusted adult or allowed to participate in the elementary group. 

Grade exceptions: this will be made on a case-by-case basis and decided by the full leadership board. This is to be decided for students needed to be placed either higher or lower than the age indicates. Parents may petition the leadership board with the understanding it may be denied.

This breakdown or class age groups may change as the Co-op grows. At this time this is the maximum number of classes we can staff with the expected number of parents. 

Each class group shall have two parents assigned to the class: a main teacher and a helper.


Sign up for your week’s cleaning will occur at registration and be integrated into the website. Every family must have a clean up week(s). We must leave the building promptly at 3pm.

We will leave the facility as we found it. The church will provide the supplies and the assigned family will leave the facility as good or better than we found it that morning. There will be a laminated sheet with a picture of chair formation for each room we are permitted to use.


Food allergies (with severity) must be listed for each member on the registration form. Specific foods may be restricted from the group due to possible severe reactions (i.e. nuts). Foods that are dietary choices without an actual allergy will not be restricted from the entire group. 

Every family is responsible to bring their own lunches, snacks, and drinks. 

We will have access to the kitchen if needed, but would prefer to not be in there unless a class is planned for the room. If anything is used in the kitchen it must be cleaned and replaced.


Attendance will be kept by each teacher/assistant. High school students can only miss 1 class per semester and must complete any assignments missed. 

Every adult must have a job/assignment. Absences must be communicated to a member of leadership as soon as possible in case coverage is required.


Parents are responsible for choosing their child’s curriculum. This co-op will not be requiring any one curriculum to be followed in the home but will offer elective practice of skills and classes that may not be as easily taught in the home to enrich the education of each child. Examples of this are Art, Music, Science Labs, etc. We do plan to offer high school classes rigorous enough to meet credit hour requirements towards high school graduation. 

Parents may submit classes they wish to teach including a class syllabus to leadership team for approval prior to each semester, this will be submitted via the co-op website and will remain part of the co-op’s records. 

Topics taught in class will not be approved if they go against the church’s handbook. Classes will not be religious in nature, but we must respect the leadership of the church that has graciously allowed us to use their facility.